Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
PSHE at Heather Primary school involves the children looking at a variety of different areas:
Myself and my relationships: Emotions, family and friends, beginning and belonging, antibullying.
Citizenship: Right, Rules and Responsibilities, Me and my World , Working Together, Diversity and Communities.
Economic Well-being: FinanciaL, Financial Capability
Healthy and Safer Lifestyles: My Body and Growing Up, Healthy Lifestyles, Drug Education, Keeping Safe, Managing Risk, Sex and Relationship education, Managing Change, Safety Contexts, Personal Safety.
These areas are derived from the Cambridgeshire Primary Personal Development Programme.
Through studying these areas children at Heather Primary will have a better understanding of the world economically and socially. Children will understand the changes of their bodies and how to live a healthy lifestyle. Heather children are provided with a range of opportunities to read and solve a variety of scenarios and case studies to apply their learning.
Useful leaflets and information:
Talking to Children about Relationships